Monday, December 05, 2005

Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Veni, Vidi, Vici. I came, I saw, I conquered. This semester started out as a challenge, but I rose to the occasion, learned as much as I could and walked away feeling successful. My primary goal for Visual Communication, MC 2015, was to produce work throughout the semester that would reflect my experience with and knowledge of different design-creating programs, thus enticing future employers to consider me above other applicants. I feel that my final product for every one of the projects assigned in this class was a step above and beyond the previous work that I had created.

army cat pictureFor instance I have worked with Adobe Photoshop for two years, but it was not until this semester that I learned how to manipulate two or more photographs and fuse them into one, creating an interesting image such as the Army Cat.

I also learned a lot about Adobe InDesign and, after working with the program for a few class periods, I was able to create a client-based newsletter for LEGO.

LEGO Life newsletter-page 2LEGO Life newsletter-page 1I am both proud of and excited about the products that I created through my exploration of new programs and techniques, and I know that this class has taught me the skills necessary to work for large fashion magazine such as Glamour.


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